Friday, September 19, 2008

Craft Show Next Weekend

On Saturday, September 27th Princess Prettys will be at the New Community Church, located at 2340 Dean Lake Road in Grand Rapids, MI. The event will be held from 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. Come and do some early Christmas shopping, have lunch, and win prizes from a raffle. A new winner will be announced every 30 minutes.

I will be giving a discount to all of my blog readers! Mention this blogger discount at the show and receive a free bow (any kind!) with any purchase.

For directions to the church, follow this link to the church website:

Rain, Rain Go Away

Last weekend my mother and I lugged all of our hairbows out to Alto, MI for their Fall Harvest Festival. We figured, "Hey, if everyone is out in the rain, it won't matter so much." Boy, were we wrong. Every single vendor, food and crafters, decided to back out of the festival because of the rain. Granted, what was a slow drizzle in the morning in Walker was a torrential downpour in Alto. So, we turned around and went to breakfast at Perkins on 28th Street. Nothing like a 2 hour journey for some french toast!

Luckily, that was the last outdoor craft show of the year for Princess Prettys.