I was recently added to the Funky Chic Top 100 Boutique List. Please go online and vote for me!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Merry Christmas from Princess Prettys

Posted by Princess Prettys at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Holiday Open House a Sucess
I wanted to thank all of you that came out in the cold to our Holiday Open House. We had a good turnout, and even had some ladies that came by mistake! They were a little late to the bachelorette party that they were supposed to be attending down the road, because they decided to shop for a bit! LOL.
I am tentatively planning on having another Open House next year, near Easter. This will be a great way to get bows for all the pretty Easter dresses your princesses will be wearing. Details will follow closer to the actual date.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Princess Prettys will be having a Holiday Open House on Tuesday, December 12th from 6:30 to 9:30. Come anytime to enjoy appetizers and drinks while doing some holiday shopping. Buy a bow to match your princess's Christmas dress, or take home a gift set to stuff in her stocking. There will be tons of cash and carry items available, and custom orders are welcome. Feel free to bring along outfits that you are wanting to match.
There will be door prize drawings every half hour where you can win lots of great prizes. RSVP online at our site at www.princessprettys.com or call 616-735-3933 and receive a free hair bow just for stopping by!
Location: 2159 Applegate Drive
Walker, MI 49534
Directions: (From 96 West) Take 96 W to the Fruitridge Ave. exit. Turn left at the end of the exit and go to 3 Mile Road. Turn Right on 3 Mile and go to the 2nd light, which is Wilson Ave. Turn left on Wilson Ave. and go 1 mile or so to Richmond Street. Turn right on Richmond. Go a 1/4 mile and turn right onto Cider Mill. Follow Cider Mill around the curve, where it turns into Applegate Dr. The house will be on the left hand side of the road, across from the park.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Made to Match Gymboree Ribbons

Hi all Gymbo fans! Just wanted to give a preview of the NEW M2MG ribbons that I have ordered!
The red and black scottie dog ribbon is made to match the Holiday Friends line, the brown and pink polka dot ribbon will match the new upcoming line debuting next week (which is so adorable!), and then the ivory and floral ribbon is a great match to the Fall Forest line.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Princess Prettys at the Rivertown Crossings Mall Home Business Expo Oct. 17-18
Recently I was contacted about a Home Business Expo that the mall will be hosting on October 17-18. The show will take place in the food court area of the mall.
This is an exciting opportunity to reach a more diverse customer base. There will be LOTS of cash and carry items, sign-ups for home parties and custom ordering available. Make sure to tell all your friends to come and visit the booth. All customers who mention this blog posting will receive a FREE item* with any purchase.
*Free item must be an equal or lesser value than the purchased item and does not include handbags.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Cedar Springs Flannel Festival
This past weekend Princess Prettys was at the Red Flannel Days Festival in Cedar Springs, MI. One of my favorite childhood photographs is a picture of my older brother, older sister and I in front of the fireplace in our long john pajamas that my mother had bought nearly 30 years ago. I got a kick out of seeing all the red long johns on babies this past weekend at the festival.
On the way to Cedar Springs, I realized that I was not wearing any red. Little did I know that if I was caught without red on, I could be sent to "jail!" Luckily, no sheriffs caught me, but I was ready to throw on a red hairbow if anyone questioned my ensemble.
There was a great turnout for this community tradition and we look forward to doing this show again next year.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Craft Show Next Weekend
On Saturday, September 27th Princess Prettys will be at the New Community Church, located at 2340 Dean Lake Road in Grand Rapids, MI. The event will be held from 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. Come and do some early Christmas shopping, have lunch, and win prizes from a raffle. A new winner will be announced every 30 minutes.
I will be giving a discount to all of my blog readers! Mention this blogger discount at the show and receive a free bow (any kind!) with any purchase.
For directions to the church, follow this link to the church website: http://www.nccwm.org/images/pdf/directions.pdf
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Rain, Rain Go Away
Last weekend my mother and I lugged all of our hairbows out to Alto, MI for their Fall Harvest Festival. We figured, "Hey, if everyone is out in the rain, it won't matter so much." Boy, were we wrong. Every single vendor, food and crafters, decided to back out of the festival because of the rain. Granted, what was a slow drizzle in the morning in Walker was a torrential downpour in Alto. So, we turned around and went to breakfast at Perkins on 28th Street. Nothing like a 2 hour journey for some french toast!
Luckily, that was the last outdoor craft show of the year for Princess Prettys.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Too Cool for School!

Just in time for the Back to School season, made to match uniform accessories are on sale. All items will be offered at their sale price on the website, http://www.princessprettys.com/. There is no need for a special coupon. Currently, we stock Red/White/Khaki and Navy/Light Blue/White/Khaki items. If your school uses different colors for their uniforms that you would like Princess Prettys to match, please use the Contact Us link on our main website. Custom uniform items will also be sold at sale prices. The sale will start on Friday, August 29th and will last the entire month of September.
If your princess doesn't go to a school with a dress code, but you still like those colors, feel free to stock up too!
Posted by Princess Prettys at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
4 Down, 3 to Go
So far, Princess Prettys has been confirmed for 4 craft shows. Updated information and directions can soon be found on our main website, http://www.princessprettys.com/ in the Events Calendar section of the site.
We have been confirmed at:
1. New Community Church in Grand Rapids, MI
2. Red Flannel Festival in Cedar Springs, MI
3. Alto Harvest Festival in Alto, MI
4. Comstock Park Craft Show in Comstock Park, MI
Hope to see you there!
Posted by Princess Prettys at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Awaiting Approval on Fall and Winter Craft Shows
Hi all! I know that it is sad to think that summer is coming to a close, but for us crafters, we have to think ahead.
Craft show applications for the local Fall and Winter craft shows are due, and now we are all awaiting approval. Princess Prettys has applied to be in 7 Fall/Winter shows in 2008. Hopefully we will be able to make it into all 7 and have a great end to the year.
If you are interested in knowing where we will be, please go to my website, www.princessprettys.com and click on the Event Calendar at the bottom left of the page. There you will find the names and dates of all the craft shows we have applied to. Once confirmations come, I will be updating the calendar to show directions, admission costs (if any), and times.
Is there a craft show that you think PP should be at? Feel free to post a comment and let us know about it. Maybe we can get into it, even after the primary deadlines!
Posted by Princess Prettys at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Birthday.....to ME!
Posted by Princess Prettys at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Perfect 4th of July Weather
Hi all! I am back from the Grandville 4th of July Celebration Show and I am so tired! It was super busy but a great time. Thank you to Pam Gebora (my mother) for waking up and getting there at 6 am to help me set up the show and helping out for 12 hours. You were certainly needed today.
There was a great turnout and the weather was perfect. I nearly sold out of all my purses and tote bags, and I sold a ton of clippies. I guess I better get moving to be ready for the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival because it is only 3 weeks away!
In addition to stocking up on clippies, I will also be stocking up on korker bows and flower clips. This festival is huge and Grand Haven is such a beautiful city on Lake Michigan.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Ponytail Streamers
Posted by Princess Prettys at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: cheerleaders, cheerleading, girls, hairbows, streamers
Tuxedo Bows
Posted by Princess Prettys at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: hair bows, hairbows, older girls, tuxedo bows
Monday, June 23, 2008
Gearing Up for the 4th of July
Summer has almost reached its middle...can you believe it is almost the 4th of July? I am busily trying to get my stuff together for the Grandville, MI show. I ordered a ton of new novelty prints, including zebra print, ice cream cones, cherries, turtles, goldfish, baseball, soccer and basketball. I have also gotten 3/8 inch ribbons to match the Gymboree lines from 2008. These are going to look great in korker bows and woven headbands.
If there is anything that you want to order on the website, or custom order, choose local pickup at checkout and I would be happy to bring them to the Grandville show for pickup if you are already planning on attending.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Rockford Start of Summer Show a Success
Hello all! I am fresh off the Rockford, MI craft show and I am sunburned and tired - but still really happy! It was a 3 day show and I was able to get my business cards out to a lot of people. The hand bags and diaper bags that I added to my booth were a big success, and I am anxious to get more together for the Grandville show. I want to give a HUGE thank you to Kelly Bennett, my friend and partner in crime for helping me on Friday and Saturday. If it wasn't for her, my tent would have flew across the Rockford Dam and bows would have littered the streets. Thank you also to Casey Bennett, her brother and Rockford Firefighter for bringing me some cement blocks to weigh my tent down.
I decided to offer face painting on the 2nd day to kids and it went over big time. Every child walking around had my art on the cheeks and I had a line of children all day long. It was fun to do and it was great to hold up the mirror when I was done and see a big smile spread across their faces.
I had a great time, minus the sunburn, and I look forward to coming back next year.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Craft Show, Rockford, Start of Summer Celebration
Monday, June 2, 2008
Grandville 4th of July Craft Show Confirmed
Princess Prettys received confirmation last week for the Grandville 4th of July Celebration Craft Show. This is held in Grandville, MI at Wedgewood Park. It is located off of Wilson Ave, South of 28th St. I will give booth information soon so that you with all know where to find our booth.
This information was found at http://www.michigan.org/:
Come on into Grandville for our annual 4th of July celebrations with food vendors, children's Arts & Crafts, Penny Carnival, skydiving exhibitions and musical entertainment on the 4th. The craft show starts at 9 am to 5 pm and our parade starts at 11 am from 4th Street at 44th & Wilson and goes north and ends at Prairie. Fireworks start at dusk. Call (616) 531-8890 for more details.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Princess Prettys Getting Ready to Send Kids Back to School in Style!
Posted by Princess Prettys at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
John Ball Park Craft Show a Success
I was definitely worried about the outcome of the John Ball Park Craft Show that was held on Sat., May 17th 2008. The forecast was calling for rain the entire week. I went out and bought a new EZ Up tent for the occasion.
Fortunately, it did not rain until much later that evening. Though very windy, the sun helped to keep things at a good temperature. The show coincided with the opening of a new exhibit at the Zoo, so there were a good number of people milling through the craft show on their way in. I met lots of interesting people there. There was even a booth for Voo Doo dolls. It was crazy how many they were selling. I think that a lot of people have unresolved issues with former friends, exes, etc. :)
Overall, it was a great experience and Princess Prettys is looking forward to doing the show again next year.
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Just accepted to the Rockford Start of Summer
It is finally official - Princess Prettys will be at the Rockford, MI Start of Summer Celebration. It is being held this year on June 13, 14, and 15. We will be there all 3 days. I just got the confirmation letter in the mail yesterday. The committee will not hand out booth numbers until the morning of the event, so hair bow seekers will have to look around and find us. This will be a great event, with lots of carnival rides, craft booths and tons of food. In the evenings, there is a beer tent for those of age, and that is normally located near the Arnie's restaurant. If the tent is not your thing, go to the Rogue River Tavern. A friend of my husband's is part owner, and it is definitely the place to be once the tent closes down. Hope to see you there!
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Union High School Craft Show
Hey all! Just wanted to let everyone know about the upcoming craft show that Princess Prettys will be attending. The Band Boosters at Union High School are putting on a craft show. There will be performances from the band as well as the drama club throughout the afternoon. Union High School is located on Treemont, off of Covell and Lake Michigan Drive.
Come out and support the band and buy some bows!
Saturday, April 26th 9am-3pm
Posted by Princess Prettys at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Posted by Princess Prettys at 9:34 AM 0 comments