Monday, August 11, 2008

Awaiting Approval on Fall and Winter Craft Shows

Hi all! I know that it is sad to think that summer is coming to a close, but for us crafters, we have to think ahead.

Craft show applications for the local Fall and Winter craft shows are due, and now we are all awaiting approval. Princess Prettys has applied to be in 7 Fall/Winter shows in 2008. Hopefully we will be able to make it into all 7 and have a great end to the year.

If you are interested in knowing where we will be, please go to my website, and click on the Event Calendar at the bottom left of the page. There you will find the names and dates of all the craft shows we have applied to. Once confirmations come, I will be updating the calendar to show directions, admission costs (if any), and times.

Is there a craft show that you think PP should be at? Feel free to post a comment and let us know about it. Maybe we can get into it, even after the primary deadlines!